This is a series of graphic elements and illustrated scenes I designed for BC Hydro's FirstWave.
About FirstWave:
FirstWave is a resource and learning platform for online and in-class conservation education.
The classroom resources used with FirstWave are developed by B.C. teachers for B.C. teachers and students, and are designed to encourage school communities to develop and foster a culture of energy conservation.
FirstWave is a resource and learning platform for online and in-class conservation education.
The classroom resources used with FirstWave are developed by B.C. teachers for B.C. teachers and students, and are designed to encourage school communities to develop and foster a culture of energy conservation.
More infos on their website:

Overworld map

Some endangered species in Canada:
Western Purple Martin, Killer Whale, Leopard Frog,
Southern Mountain Caribou, Vancouver Island Marmot, Western Bumble Bee,
Southern Mountain Caribou, Vancouver Island Marmot, Western Bumble Bee,

Maps & Outdoor Scenes

Super-Hero costume concepts

Few screenshots of the FirstWave game